

词汇 region
释义 *region
/ˈri:dʒən ||; ˈridʒən/noun[C]
1 a part of the country or the world; a large area of land (国家或世界的)地区,区域,地带: desert/tropical/polar regions 沙漠╱热带╱南北极地区This region of France is very mountainous. 法国的这一地区多山。 ☞ Look at the note at district. 参看district的注释。
2 an area of your body 身体的某部份或部位
in the region of sth about or approximately 大约;大概: There were somewhere in the region of 30000 people at the rally. 大约有30000人参加了这次集会。




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