

词汇 stink
释义 stink
/stɪŋk ||; stɪŋk/verb [I] (past tense stank /stæŋk ||; stæŋk/or stunk /stʌŋk ||; stʌŋk/ past participle stunk) (informal 非正式)stink (of sth)
1 to have a very strong and unpleasant smell 发出恶臭: It stinks in here -- open a window! 这儿臭得很,打开一扇窗子吧!to stink of fish 有鱼的腥臭味
2 to seem to be very bad, unpleasant or dishonest 显得糟透、讨厌或不正当: The whole business stinks of corruption. 整件事带有贪污腐败的臭味。 stink noun [C]




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