

词汇 sting
释义 *sting¹
/stɪŋ ||; stɪŋ/verb [I,T] (past tense past participle stung /stʌŋ ||; stʌŋ/)
1 (used about an insect, a plant, etc) to make a person or an animal feel a sudden pain by pushing sth sharp into his/her skin and sending poison into him/her (指昆虫、植物等)刺,螫 · Ow! I've been stung by a bee! 哎哟!我被蜜蜂螫了!Be careful. Those plants sting. 小心,那些植物有刺。
2 to make sb/sth feel a sudden, sharp pain 使刺痛: Soap stings if it gets in your eyes. 肥皂入眼会很刺痛。
3 to make sb feel very hurt and upset because of sth you say (指言语)伤害感情,冒犯或触怒别人
/stɪŋ ||; stɪŋ/noun[C]
1 the sharp pointed part of some insects and animals that is used for pushing into the skin of a person or an animal and putting in poison (某些昆虫、动物的)刺,螫针 ☞pictures at insect and scorpioninsectscorpion插图
2 the pain that you feel when an animal or insect pushes its sting into you (螫伤造成的)刺痛: I got a wasp sting on the leg. 我腿上给黄蜂螫伤,怪痛的。
3 a sharp pain that feels like a sting 刺痛




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