

词汇 stiff
释义 *stiff¹
/stɪf ||; stɪf/adj
1 (used about material, paper, etc) firm and difficult to bend or move (指物质、纸张等)坚硬的,不易弯曲或移动的: My new shoes feel rather stiff. 我的新鞋子穿起来感到有点硬。The door handle is stiff and I can't turn it. 这门把很紧,我转不动。
2 (used about parts of the body) not easy to move (指身体某部位)僵硬的: My arm feels really stiff after playing tennis yesterday. 昨天打过网球后,我的手臂感到很僵硬。
3 (used about a liquid) very thick; almost solid (指液体)浓的,稠的: Beat the egg whites until they are stiff. 将蛋白打到变稠为止。
4 more difficult or stronger than usual 艰难的;强劲的;激烈的: The firm faces stiff competition from its rivals. 公司面临对手的激烈竞争。a stiff breeze/wind 紧吹的微风;烈风
5 (used about sb's behaviour) not relaxed or friendly; formal (指行为)拘谨的,板着脸的,一本正经的
6 (used about an alcoholic drink) strong (指酒)烈性的: a stiff whisky 烈性威士忌酒 stiffness noun [U]
/stɪf ||; stɪf/adv (informal 非正式) extremely 极端: to be bored/frozen/scared/worried stiff 无聊╱僵冻╱害怕╱担心得厉害




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