

词汇 parallel
释义 *parallel¹
/ˈpærəlel ||; ˈpærəˌlɛl/adj adv
1 parallel (to sth) (used about two lines, etc) with the same distance between them for all their length (指两条线等)平行: parallel lines 并行线The railway runs parallel to the road. 该铁路与公路平行。 ☞picture at lineline插图
2 similar and happening at the same time 类似并同时发生的: The two brothers followed parallel careers in different companies. 两兄弟在不同的公司从事类似的职业。
/ˈpærəlel ||; ˈpærəˌlɛl/noun [C,U] a person, thing or situation that is similar to another one in a different situation, place or time 相似的人、事物或情况: The government's huge election victory is without parallel this century. 政府在选举中取得的巨大胜利在本世纪无与伦比。




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