

词汇 sake
释义 sake
/seɪk ||; sek/noun[C] for Christ's/God's/goodness'/Heaven's/pity's, etc sake(spoken 口语) used to emphasize that it is important to do sth or to show that you are annoyed (用于强调重要性或恼怒): For goodness' sake, hurry up! 看在老天份上,还不快点!Why have you taken so long, for God's sake? 天哪,你干吗那么久? For God's sake and especially for Christ's sake are stronger and may offend some people. for God's sakefor Christ's sake语气较重,尤其是for Christ's sake,也许会冒犯某些人。 for the sake of sb/sth;for sb's/sth's sake in order to help sb/sth 为某人或某事物起见: Don't go to any trouble for my sake. 看在我面上,别惹麻烦。They only stayed together for the sake of their children/for their children's sake. 他们之所以没有离婚,完全是为了孩子。 for the sake of sth/of doing sth in order to get or keep sth; for the purpose of sth 为了获得或保持某物;为了;由于: She gave up her job for the sake of her health. 她为了健康放弃了自己的工作。




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