

词汇 bubble
释义 *bubble¹
/ˈbʌbl ||; ˈbʌbḷ/noun [C] a ball of air or gas, in liquid or floating in the air 气泡;泡沫: We knew where there were fish because of the bubbles on the surface. 我们根据水面上的气泡知道哪里有鱼。
/ˈbʌbl ||; ˈbʌbḷ/verb[I]
1 to produce bubbles or to rise with bubbles 冒泡: Cook the pizza until the cheese starts to bubble. 把意大利薄饼烘到干酪起泡就行了。The clear water bubbled up out of the ground. 清水从地下冒出来,泛起一个一个气泡。
2 bubble (over) (with sth) to be full of happy feelings 充满欢乐




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