

词汇 quiet
释义 *quiet¹
/ˈkwaɪət ||; ˈkwaɪət/adj
1 with very little or no noise 静的;安静的;肃静的;无声的: Be quiet! 安静!His voice was quiet but firm. 他说话声音很轻,但语气坚定。Go into the library if you want to work. It's much quieter in there. 要学习就去图书馆吧,那里清静得多。 [OPP] loud 反义词为loud
2 without much activity or many people 宁静的;平静的: The streets are very quiet on Sundays. 星期天街上静悄悄的。Business is quiet at this time of year. 每年这个时候生意很清淡。a quiet country village 宁静的乡村We lead a quiet life. 我们过着平静的生活。
3 (used about a person) not talking very much (指人)文静的,不太说话的,沉默寡言的: You're very quiet today. Is anything wrong? 今天你不大说话。有什么事吗?He's very quiet and shy. 他很文静,又腼腆。 quietly adv Try and shut the door quietly! 请尽量轻声关门! quietness noun [U]
keep quiet about sth;keep sth quiet to say nothing about sth 对某事保密;不透露某事: Would you keep quiet about me leaving until I've told the boss? 关于我辞职的事,在我向上司提出之前请你暂时保密,行吗?
/ˈkwaɪət ||; ˈkwaɪət/noun [U] the state of being calm and without much noise or activity 宁静;清静;平静: the peace and quiet of the countryside 乡间的宁静 on the quiet secretly 秘密地;偷偷地: She's given up smoking but she still has an occasional cigarette on the quiet. 她已戒了烟,但是偶尔仍然会偷偷抽一根。




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