

词汇 question
释义 *question¹
/ˈkwestʃən ||; ˈkwɛstʃən/noun
1 [C] a question (about/on sth) a sentence or phrase that asks for an answer 问题;题目: Put up your hand if you want to ask a question. 想提问就举手。In the examination, you must answer five questionsin one hour. 这次考试规定,必须在一小时内答五道题。What's the answer to Question 5? 第5道题怎么答?
2 [C] a problem or difficulty that needs to be discussed or dealt with 难题;问题: The resignations raise the question of who will take over. 这些人辞职引发出谁来接替的问题。 The question is, how are we going to raise the money? 问题是,我们怎么筹这笔钱?
3 [U] doubt or uncertainty 疑问;不确定: There is no question about Brenda's enthusiasm for the job. 布伦达毫无疑问对工作充满热诚。His honesty is beyond question. 他的诚实不容怀疑。The results of the report were accepted without question. 报告的结果被毫无异议地接受了。
(be) a question of sth/of doing sth a situation in which sth is needed (是)一个需要某事物的局面: It's not difficult -- it's just a question of finding the time to do it. 这事不困难─问题只是需要安排时间来做。 in question that is being considered or talked about 正在考虑的;正在谈论的: The lawyer asked where she was on the night in question. 律师问她当晚在哪里。 no question of no possibility of …是没有可能的: There is no question of him leaving hospital yet. 他还不可能出院。 out of the question impossible 不可能: A new car is out of the question. It's just too expensive. 买新车是不可能的,那实在太昂贵了。
/ˈkwestʃən ||; ˈkwɛstʃən/verb[T]
1 question sb (about/on sth) to ask sb a question or questions 询问;查问;审问: The police questioned him for several hours. 警方盘问了他几个小时。
2 to express or feel doubt about sth 质疑;感到怀疑: She told me she was from the council so I didn't question her right to be there. 她告诉我她是议会派来的,所以我没有怀疑她是否有权在那里。to question sb's sincerity/honesty 怀疑某人的诚意╱诚实




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