

词汇 automatic
释义 *automatic¹
/ˌɔ:təˈmætɪk ||; ˌɔtəˈmætɪk/adj
1 (used about a machine) that can work by itself without direct human control (指机器)自动的: an automatic washing machine 自动洗衣机
2 done without thinking 不经思索的;无意识的
3 always happening as a result of a particular action or situation 必然的;当然的;顺理成章的: All the staff have an automatic right to a space in the car park. 全体职员理所当然都有权在停车场得到一个车位。 automatically /-kli ||; -klɪ/ adv The lights will come on automatically when it gets dark. 天一黑,灯会自动亮起来。
/ˌɔ:təˈmætɪk ||; ˌɔtəˈmætɪk/noun [C] an automatic machine, gun or car 自动的机器、枪械或汽车: This car is an automatic (= has automatic gears). 这是用自动挡的汽车。




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