/dɪˈgri: ||; dɪˈgri/noun1 [C] a measurement of temperature 度(温度的量度单位): Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius (100° C). 水在摄氏100度沸腾。three degrees below zero/minus three degrees (-3°) 零下三度;负三度
2 [C] a measurement of angles 度(角的量度单位): a forty-five degree (45°) angle 45度角An angle of 90 degrees is called a right angle. 90度角称为直角。
3 [C,U] (used about feelings or qualities) a certain amount or level (指感觉或质量)程度,水平: There is always a degree of risk involved in mountaineering. 登山总有某种程度的危险。I sympathize with her to some degree. 我在某种程度上同情她。
4 [C] an official document gained by successfully completing a course at university or college 学位: She's got a degree in Philosophy. 她取得哲学学位。to do aChemistry degree 攻读化学学位
In Britain degree is the usual word for the qualification you get when you complete and pass a university course. You can study for a diploma at other types of college. The courses may be shorter and more practical than degree courses. The best result you can get in a British university degree is a first, followed by a two-one, a two-two, a third, a pass, and a fail. 在英国,学位(degree)通常指完成并通过一个大学课程而取得的资格。文凭(diploma)是其他种类的院校颁授的。这些文凭课程比学位课程为期较短,同时亦多以实用为主。英国大学学位课程的最佳成绩叫做“一等”(first),其次是“二等一级”(two-one)、“二等二级”(two-two)、“三等”(third)、“及格”(pass)及“不及格”(fail)。