

词汇 pound
释义 *pound¹
/paʊnd ||; paυnd/noun
1 [C] (also ˌpound ˈsterling) (symbol £) the unit of money in Britain; one hundred pence (100p) 英镑(英国货币单位,1英镑等于100便士): Melissa earns £16000 a year. 梅利莎每年挣16000英镑。Can you change a ten-pound note? 可以给我换开一张十英镑的纸币吗?a pound coin 面额一英镑的硬币
2 [sing] the pound the value of the British pound on international money markets 英镑在国际货币市场上的价值: The pound has fallen against the dollar. 英镑兑美元下跌。How many yen are there to the pound ? 多少日元兑换一英镑?
3 [C] (abbr lb) a measurement of weight; equal to 0.454 of a kilogram 磅(重量单位,1磅等于0.454克): The carrots cost 30p a pound. 胡萝卜30便士一磅。Half a pound of mushrooms, please. 请给我半磅蘑菇。 ☞For more information about measurements look at the special section on numbers at the back of this dictionary. 有关度量衡的详细用法,参看本词典末数词用法部份。
/paʊnd ||; paυnd/verb
1 [I] pound (at/against/on sth) to hit sth hard many times making a lot of noise (砰砰地)重击,打击: She pounded on the door with her fists. 她用拳头砰砰地敲门。
2 [I] pound along, down, up, etc to walk with heavy, noisy steps in a particular direction 脚步发出沉重响声地走: Jason went pounding up the stairs three at a time. 贾森一步三级,嗵嗵地跑上楼梯。
3 [I] (used about your heart, blood, etc) to beat quickly and loudly (指心脏、血液等)疾跳,砰砰地搏动: Her heart was pounding with fear. 她吓得心砰砰直跳。
4 [T] to hit sth many times to break it into smaller pieces 捣碎




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