

词汇 contrary
释义 contrary¹
/ˈkɒntrəri; US -trerɪ ||; ˈkɑntrɛrɪ/adj
1 (only before a noun 只用于名词前) completely different; opposite 完全不同的;相反的: I thought it was possible, but she took the contrary view. 我认为行得通,但她的看法相反。
2 contrary to completely different from; opposite to; against 完全不同于;与…相反;反对;违反: Contrary to popular belief (= to what many people think), not all boxers are stupid. 跟许多人的看法相反,不是所有的拳击手都是很笨的。
/ˈkɒntrəri; US -trerɪ ||; ˈkɑntrɛrɪ/nounon the contrary the opposite is true; certainly not 相反;反而: ‘You look as if you're not enjoying yourself.’ ‘On the contrary, I'm having a great time.’ “你看来玩得不太开心。”“才不,我玩得很高兴。” to the contrary(formal 正式) saying the opposite 与之相反: Unless I hear anything to the contrary, I shall assume that the arrangements haven't changed. 除非接到更改的通知,否则我就认为安排不变。




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