

词汇 breed
释义 breed¹
/bri:d ||; brid/verb (past tense past participle bred /bred ||; brɛd/)
1 [I] (used about animals) to have sex and produce young animals (指动物)繁殖: Many animals won't breed in zoos. 很多动物都不能在动物园内成功繁殖。 [SYN] mate 同义词为 mate
2 [T] to keep animals or plants in order to produce young from them (为繁殖或育种而)饲养,栽种: These cattle are bred to produce high yields of milk. 繁育这些牛是为了提高产奶量。
3 [T] to cause sth 导致;引起: This kind of thinking breeds intolerance. 这种思想造成气量褊狭。 breeding noun [U]
/bri:d ||; brid/noun [C] a particular variety of an animal (动物的特定)品种;变种: a breed of cattle/dog 一种牛/狗




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