

词汇 sun
释义 *sun¹
/sʌn ||; sʌn/noun
1 the sun [sing] the star that shines in the sky during the day and that gives the earth heat and light 太阳: The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳从东方升起,在西方落下。the rays of the sun 太阳光 ☞picture at the solar systemthe solar system插图
2 [sing] [U] light and heat from the sun 太阳的光和热 [sing] Don't sit in the sun too long. 别在阳光下坐太久。Too much sun can be harmful. 晒太多阳光可能有害。
catch the sunCATCH¹
/sʌn ||; sʌn/verb [T] (sunning;sunned)sun yourself sit or lie outside when the sun is shining in order to enjoy the heat 享受日光浴;晒太阳




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