/ˈsʌməri ||; ˈsʌmərɪ/noun [C] (pluralsummaries) a short description of the main ideas or points of sth but without any details 撮要;摘要: A brief summary of the experiment is given at the beginning of the report.报告一开头就提出该项试验的内容撮要。 [SYN] précis 同义词为précis➔summarize(also -ise) /ˈsʌməraɪz ||; ˈsʌməˌraɪz/ verb [I,T] Could you summarize the story so far?你能否概述到目前为止的故事发展?
/ˈsʌməri ||; ˈsʌmərɪ/adj (formal 正式) done quickly and without taking time to consider whether it is the right thing to do or following the right process 当场的;即刻的: a summary judgment当场裁决