/su:t ||; sut/noun[C] 1 a formal set of clothes that are made of the same material, consisting of a jacket and either trousers or a skirt 套装;套服;西装: He always wears a suit and tie to work. 他上班总是穿西装,系领带。 ☞picture on page C6 见C6页插图
2 an article of clothing or set of clothes that you wear for a particular activity 参加某类活动的装束: a tracksuit/swimsuit 田径服;泳装
3 one of the four sets of 13 playing cards( hearts, clubs, diamonds)and(spades) that form a pack (红心、梅花、方块及黑桃四种花色中)同花色的一套牌或一组牌 ☞Look at the note and picture at card. 参看card的注释及插图。
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