

词汇 post
释义 *post¹
/pəʊst ||; post/noun
1 (especially US 尤为美 mail) [U] the system or organization for collecting and dealing with letters, packages, etc 邮政;邮递: The document is too valuable to send by post. 这文件太重要了,不可用邮递方式送去。If you hurry you might catch the post (= post it before everything is collected). 要是你快一点,也许能赶上收信时间。
2 (USmail) [U] letters, packages, etc that are collected or brought to your house 邮件;信件: Has the post come yet this morning? 今早邮件到了没有?There wasn't any post for you. 没有你的信件。
3 [C] a job 职位;工作: The post was advertised in the local newspaper. 那个职位的招聘广告登在本地的报纸上。 [SYN] position 同义词为position
4 [C] a place where sb is on duty or is guarding sth 岗位;哨所;驻守地: The soldiers had to remain at their posts all night. 士兵们不得不彻夜留在哨所。
5 [C] an upright piece of metal or wood that is put in the ground to mark a position or to support sth 柱;杆: a goal post 球门柱Can you see a signpost anywhere? 你能不能在什么地方看到路标呢?
by return (of post)RETURN²
/pəʊst ||; post/verb[T]
1 (especially US 尤为美 mail) to send a letter, package, etc by post 投寄;邮寄: This letter was posted in Edinburgh yesterday. 这封信昨天在爱丁堡寄出。
Post (noun and verb) is more commonly used in British English and mail in American English. However, British English also uses the noun mail quite often. The official name of the Post Office organization is the Royal Mail. Note too, the expressions airmail and surface mail. When we order goods in a letter, we use a mail-order service. post(名词及动词)较常用于英国英语,美国英语以mail较为常用。但是,作名词用的mail在英国英语中也相当常用,英国邮政机关的正式名称就是Royal Mail。同时请注意airmail(空邮)及surface mail(平邮)等用语。邮购服务称为mail-order service。
2 to send sb to go and work somewhere 委派某人去某地工作: After two years in London, Rosa was posted to the Tokyo office. 在伦敦工作了两年后,罗莎被派往东京办事处工作。
3 to put sb on guard or on duty in a particular place 使驻守;使站岗: Policemen were posted outside the building. 警察部署在建筑物外面站岗。
4 (formal 正式) (often passive 常用于被动语态) to put a notice where everyone can see it 张贴(通告): The exam results will be posted on the main noticeboard. 考试成绩将会张贴在主要布告板上。




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