

词汇 running
释义 *running¹
/ˈrʌnɪŋ ||; ˈrʌnɪŋ/noun[U]
1 the action or sport of running 跑;跑步;赛跑: How often do you go running ? 你多久跑一次步?running shoes 跑鞋
2 the process of managing a business or other organization 管理;经营: She's not involved in the day-to-day running of the office. 她不参与办公室的日常管理工作。the running costsof a car (= petrol, insurance, repairs, etc) 养一辆汽车的费用(如燃料费、保险费、维修费等)
in/out of the running (for sth)(informal 非正式) having/not having a good chance of getting or winning sth 有╱没有机会取得或赢得某物
/ˈrʌnɪŋ ||; ˈrʌnɪŋ/adj
1 used after a number and a noun to say that sth has happened a number of times in the same way without a change (用于数字和名词后面)连续,不间断: Our school has won the competition for four years running. 我们学校连续四年在比赛中取胜。
2 (only before a noun 只用于名词前) flowing or available from a tap (used about water) (指水)流动的,从水龙头流出的: There is no running water in the cottage. 小屋里没有自来水。
3 (only before a noun 只用于名词前) not stopping; continuous 不停的;持续的: a running battle between two rival gangs 两个敌对帮派接二连三的互斗




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