

词汇 wheel
释义 *wheel¹
/wi:l; US hwi:l ||; hwil/noun[C]
1 one of the circular objects under a car, bicycle, etc that turns when it moves (汽车、自行车等的)轮子;车轮: His favourite toy is a dog on wheels. 他最喜爱的玩具是带轮子的狗。By law, you have to carry a spare wheel in your car. 按照法律,汽车必须带备用轮胎。
2 [usu.sing] =STEERING WHEEL Her husband was at the wheel (= he was driving) when the accident happened. 事故发生时开车的是她丈夫。 ☞pictures at bicycle and carbicyclecar插图
/wi:l ||; hwil/verb
1 [T] to push along an object that has wheels; to move sb about in/on a vehicle with wheels 推(车);用(车)运载: He wheeled his bicycle up the hill. 他将自行车推上山坡。She was wheeled back to her bed on a trolley. 她被人用担架车推回床边。
2 [I] to fly round in circles 盘旋: Birds wheeled above the ship. 鸟在船的上空盘旋。
3 [I] to turn round suddenly 突然转身: Eleanor wheeled round, with a look of horror on her face. 埃莉诺突然转身,神色惊惶。




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