

词汇 wet
释义 *wet¹
/wet ||; wɛt/adj (wetter;wettest)
1 covered in a liquid, especially water 湿的;潮湿的: wet clothes/hair/grass/roads 湿的衣服╱头发╱草╱路Don't get your feet wet. 别把脚弄湿。 Moist means slightly wet. Damp is used to describe things that are slightly wet and feel unpleasant because of it Don't sit on the grass. It's damp. moist指微湿。damp也指微湿,但会令人感到不舒服:Don't sit on the grass. It's damp.别坐在草地上,草很潮。
2 (used about the weather, etc) with a lot of rain (指天气等)多雨的: a wet day 雨天
3 (used about paint, etc) not yet dry or hard (指油漆等)未干的: The ink is still wet. 墨水还未干。 [OPP] for sense 1 2, and 3 dry 第1、2及3义项的反义词皆为dry
4 (informal 非正式) (used about a person) without energy or enthusiasm (指人)没精力的,欠热情的 the wet noun [sing] Come in out of the wet (= the rainy weather). 进来,不要被雨淋着。
a wet blanket(informal 非正式) a person who spoils other people's fun, especially because he or she refuses to take part in sth 扫兴的人 wet through extremely wet 湿透
/wet ||; wɛt/verb [T] (present participle wetting;past tense past participle wet or wetted)
1 to make sth wet 弄湿
2 (used especially of young children) to make yourself or your bed, clothes, etc wet by URINATING (尤指幼儿)尿湿,尿(床)




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