

词汇 forget
释义 *forget
/fəˈget ||; fɚˈgɛt/verb (past tense forgot /fəˈgɒt ||; fɚˈgɑt/ past participle forgotten /fəˈgɒtn ||; fɚˈgɑtṇ/)
1 [T] forget (doing) sth to not be able to remember sth 忘记: I've forgotten what I was going to say. 我忘了要说的话。I've forgotten her telephone number. 我忘了她的电话号码。He forgot that he had invited her to the party. 他忘了自己曾邀请她参加酒会。I'll never forget meeting my husband for the first time. 我永远也忘不了跟我丈夫初次见面的情景。
2 [I,T] forget (about) sth;forget to do sth to fail to remember to do sth that you ought to have done 忘了做(应做的事) [I] ‘Why didn't you come to the party?’ ‘Oh dear! I completely forgot about it!’ “你怎么没有来参加酒会?”“哎呀!我根本都忘了!” [I] ‘Did you feed the cat?’ ‘Sorry, I forgot.’ “你喂猫了没有?”“对不起,我忘了。”Don't forget to do your homework! 别忘了做功课!
3 [T] to fail to bring sth with you 忘了带(某物): When my father got to the airport he realized he'd forgotten his passport. 爸爸到了机场才想起忘了带护照。
When we are talking about something we have forgotten, and we want to say where it is, we have to use the word leave. We CANNOT say: ‘He forgot his passport at home’. We have to say: ‘He left his passport at home’. 把东西丢在什么地方要用leave。不可说He forgot his passport at home,应说He left his passport at home
4 [T] forget (about) sb/sth;forget about doing sth to make an effort to stop thinking about sb/sth; to stop thinking that sth is possible 不再放在心上;忘掉: Forget about your work and enjoy yourself! 别想着工作,好好玩吧!‘I'm sorry I shouted at you.’ ‘Forget it. ’ (= don't worry about it) “抱歉我不该对你大叫大嚷。”“别放在心里。”




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