

词汇 event
释义 *event
/ɪˈvent ||; ɪˈvɛnt/noun[C]
1 something that happens, especially sth important or unusual 事件(尤指重要的或不寻常的): a historic event 历史性大事The events of the past few days have made things very difficult for the Government. 过去几天发生的事使政府十分为难。
2 a planned public or social occasion (经计划的)公开活动,社交活动: a fund-raising event 募集资金的活动
3 one of the races, competitions, etc in a sports programme (运动的)比赛项目: The next event is the 800 metres. 下个比赛项目是800米赛跑。
at all events/in any event whatever happens 不管怎样;无论如何: I hope to see you soon, but in any event I'll phone you on Sunday. 我希望很快跟你见面,但不管怎样星期天我会给你挂电话。 in the event of sth(formal 正式) if sth happens 某事发生的话;倘若;万一: In the event of fire, leave the building as quickly as possible. 万一遇上火警,应尽快离开大厦。




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