

词汇 evening
释义 *evening
/ˈi:vnɪŋ ||; ˈivnɪŋ/noun [C,U] the part of the day between the afternoon and the time that you go to bed 傍晚;晚上: What are you doing this evening? 今晚你要做什么?We were out yesterday evening. 昨晚我们不在家。I went to the cinema on Saturday evening. 星期六晚上我看电影去了。Tom usually goes swimming on Wednesday evenings. 汤姆通常在星期三晚上去游泳。Most people watch television in the evening. 多数人晚上都看电视。an evening class (= a course of lessons for adults that takes place in the evening) 夜间课程 good evening used when you see sb for the first time in the evening (用于晚上首次见面时)晚上好 ☞Often we just say Evening ‘Good evening, Mrs Wilson.’ ‘Evening, Mr Mills.’ 通常只说 Evening:'Good evening, Mrs Wilson.' 'Evening, Mr Mills.'“晚上好,威尔逊太太。” “晚上好,米尔斯先生。”




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