

词汇 decent
释义 decent
/ˈdi:snt ||; ˈdisṇt/adj
1 being of an acceptable standard; satisfactory 可接受的;令人满意的: All she wants is a decent job with decent wages. 她所要的只是一份有合理工资的体面工作。
2 (used about people or behaviour) honest and fair; treating people with respect (指人或行为)诚实公正的,尊重别人的
3 not likely to offend or shock sb 不致冒犯人或让人吃惊的: I can't come to the door, I'm not decent (= I'm not dressed). 我不能出来开门,我没穿好衣服。 [OPP] indecent 反义词为indecentdecently adv




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