

词汇 decay
释义 *decay¹
/dɪˈkeɪ ||; dɪˈke/verb[I]
1 to become bad or be slowly destroyed 腐朽;腐烂: the decaying carcass of a dead sheep 一头死羊的腐烂尸体 [SYN] rot 同义词为rot
2 to become weaker or less powerful 衰落;衰退: His business empire began to decay. 他的商业王国开始衰落。 decayed adj a decayed tooth 蛀牙
/dɪˈkeɪ ||; dɪˈke/noun [U] the process or state of being slowly destroyed 腐朽;腐烂: tooth decay 蛀牙The old farm was in a terrible state of decay. 这旧农场已经一片荒芜。




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