

词汇 total
释义 *total¹
/ˈtəʊtl ||; ˈtotḷ/adj being the amount after everyone or everything is counted or added together; complete 总共的;彻底的;完全的: What was the total number of people there? 总共有多少人?a total failure 彻底失败They ate in total silence. 他们一声不响地吃饭。
/ˈtəʊtl ||; ˈtotḷ/noun [C] the number that you get when you add two or more numbers or amounts together 总数;总额 total verb [T] (totalling;totalled (US 美) totaling;totaled) His debts totalled more than £10000. 他负债总计超过10000英镑。 in total when you add two or more numbers or amounts together 总共;总计: The appeal raised £4 million in total. 那次呼吁共筹得四百万英镑。




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