

词汇 chip
释义 *chip¹
/tʃɪp ||; tʃɪp/noun[C]
1 the place where a small piece of stone, glass, wood, etc has broken off sth 缺口;口子: This dish has a chip in it. 这碟子有个缺口。
2 a small piece of stone, glass, wood, etc that has broken off sth (石、玻璃、木等的)碎片,碎屑
3 (USFrench fry) [usu.pl] a thin piece of potato that is fried in hot fat or oil 炸马铃薯条;炸薯条 ☞picture on page C4 见C4页插图
4 (also potato chip) (US 美) =CRISP²
6 a flat round piece of plastic that you use instead of money when you are playing some games 筹码
have a chip on your shoulder (about sth)(informal 非正式) to feel angry about sth that happened a long time ago because you think it is unfair 心怀怨愤(因冤屈): My dad still has a chip on his shoulder about being thrown out of school. 我爸爸仍为被学校开除一事感到愤愤不平。
/tʃɪp ||; tʃɪp/verb [I,T] (chipping;chipped)
1 to break a small piece off the edge or surface of sth (在边缘或表面)碰下碎片;使缺损: They chipped the paint trying to get the table through the door. 他们想把桌子搬过门去,结果把油漆给碰掉了。
2 (in sport) to kick or hit a ball a short distance through the air (体育)切削击球
chip in (with sth)(informal 非正式)
1 to interrupt when sb else is talking 打岔
2 to give some money as part of the cost of sth 凑份子: We all chipped in and bought him a present when he left. 他走的时候,我们凑份子给他买了一件礼物。




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