

词汇 do
释义 *do¹
/də;strong form du: ||; də; du/auxiliary verb
1 used with other verbs to form questions and negative sentences, also in short answers and short questions at the end of a sentence (question tags) (与其他动词连用构成疑问句或否定句,也用于简短的回答或附加问句) ☞Look at the Quick Grammar Reference section at the back of this dictionary. 参看本词典末“语法便览”部份。
2 used for emphasizing the main verb (用于强调主要动词)的确,确实: I can't find the receipt now but I'm sure I did pay the phone bill. 我现在找不着收据,但电话费我确实付了。
3 used to avoid repeating the main verb (用于避免重复主要动词): He earns a lot more than I do. 他赚的比我多得多。She's feeling much better than she did last week. 她感到比上周好多了。
/du: ||; du/verb
1 [T] to perform an action, activity or job 干;做: What are you doing? 你在干什么?What is the government doing about pollution (= what action are they taking)? 目前政府对污染问题采取什么措施?What do you do (= what is your job)? 你是做什么工作的?Have you done your homework? 你做完功课没有?I do twenty minutes exercise every morning. 我每天早上锻炼二十分钟。to do the cooking/cleaning/ironing 做饭;打扫;熨烫to do judo/aerobics/windsurfing 练柔道;做有氧运动;玩风帆冲浪What did you do with the keys (= where did you put them)? 你把钥匙搁哪儿了?
2 [I] to make progress or develop; to improve sth 进展;改善: ‘How's your daughter doing at school?’ ‘She's doing well.’ “你女儿在学校的情况怎么样?”“挺好的。”Last week's win has done wonders for the team's confidence. 该队上周的胜利起了奇迹般的作用,大大增强了该队信心。This latest scandal will do nothing for (= will harm) this government's reputation. 最近的这次丑闻将有损这届政府的声誉。
3 [T] to make or produce sth 制造;生产: The photocopier does 60 copies a minute. 这台复印机每分钟可复印60份。to do a painting/drawing 画一幅画
4 [T] to provide a service 提供服务: Do you do eye tests here? 你们这里检查视力吗?
5 [T] to study sth or find the answer to sth 学习;攻读;答(题目): to do French/a course/a degree 学习法语;攻读课程;攻读学位I can't do question three. 第三道题我做不出来。
6 [T] to travel a certain distance or at a certain speed 走(一段路程);以…速度行进: This car does 120 miles per hour. 这辆汽车的时速可达120英里。I normally do about five miles when I go running. 我跑步的话通常跑五英里左右。
7 [T] to have a particular effect 具有某种效果: A holiday will do you good. 度个假对你有好处。The storm did a lot of damage. 暴风雨造成严重的灾害。
8 [I,T] to be enough or suitable 足够;合适: If you haven't got a pen, a pencil will do. 如果你没有钢笔,铅笔也行。
be/have to do with sb/sth to be connected with sb/sth 跟…有关系: I'm not sure what Paola's job is, but I think it's something to do with animals. 我不知道保拉是干什么工作的,但我想跟动物有点关系。‘How much do you earn?’ ‘ It's nothing to do with you!’ “你挣多少钱?”“你管不着!” could do with sth to want or need sth 希望有;需要: I could do with a holiday. 我想度个假。 how do you do?HOWmake do with sthMAKE¹do away with sth to get rid of sth 摆脱;废除: Most European countries have done away with their royal families. 大多数欧洲国家都废除了王室制度。 do sb out of sth to prevent sb having sth in an unfair way; to cheat sb 以不公平的手法阻止别人获得某物;欺骗: They've done me out of my share of the money! 他们骗去了我的那份钱! do sth up
1 to fasten a piece of clothing 把衣服的扣子扣上;把衣服的带子系好: Hurry up. Do up your jacket and we can go! 快。把你的上衣扣子扣好以后我们可以走了!
2 to repair a building and make it more modern 修缮,装修(建筑物): They're doing up the old cottage. 他们在重修这旧村舍。
do without (sth) to manage without having sth 没有某事物也行: If there isn't any coffee left, we'll just have to do without. 要是咖啡喝完了,我们只好得将就一下不喝了。
/du: ||; du/noun [C] (plural dos /du:z ||; duz/) (Brit 英) (informal 非正式) a party or other social event 聚会;社交活动: We're having a bit of a do to celebrate Tim's birthday. 我们将有个小小的聚会,为蒂姆庆祝生日。 dos and don'ts things that you should and should not do 该做的和不该做的事;规定;应遵守事项: the dos and don'ts of mountain climbing 登山运动应注意事项




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