

词汇 divert
释义 divert
/daɪˈvɜ:t ||; daɪˈvɝt/verb [T] divert sb/sth (from sth) (to sth);divert sth (away from sth) to change the direction or purpose of sb/sth, especially to avoid a problem 使改变方向或目的(尤以避免出问题): During the road repairs, all traffic is being diverted. 维修道路时,所有车辆都要改道行驶。Government money was diverted from defence to education. 政府将国防资金抽调作教育用途。Politicians often criticise each other to divert attention away from their own mistakes. 政客们常常互相指责,以转移对其自身错误的注意力。




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