

词汇 late
释义 *late
/leɪt ||; let/adj adv
1 near the end of a period of time 晚期的: in the late afternoon/summer/twentieth century 下午较晚的时候;夏末;二十世纪末in the late morning 近中午时分His mother's in her late fifties (= between 55 and 60). 他妈妈快六十岁了。in late May/late in May 五月下旬We got back home late in the evening. 我们晚上很晚才回家。
2 after the usual or expected time 迟;晚: I'm sorry I'm late. 对不起,我迟到了。She was ten minutes late for school. 她上学迟到了十分钟。The ambulance arrived too late to save him. 救护车来得太晚,救不了他。to be late with the rent 迟缴租金The buses are running late today. 今天的公共汽车晚点了。to stay up late 很晚才睡觉
3 near the end of the day 将近日暮: It's getting late -- let's go home. 时候不早了,我们回家吧。
4 (only before a noun 只用于名词前) no longer alive; dead 已故的: his late wife 他的亡妻
an early/a late nightNIGHTlater on at a later time 稍后;后来;以后: Later on you'll probably wish that you'd worked harder at school. 总有一天,你会懊悔当初读书怎不用功些。Bye -- I'll see you a bit later on. 好,我们待会儿见。 sooner or laterSOON




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