

词汇 brake
释义 *brake¹
/breɪk ||; brek/noun[C]
1 the part of a vehicle that makes it go slower or stop (车辆的)剎车: She put her foot on the brake and just managed to stop in time. 她踩着剎车及时把车停下来。 ☞picture at carcar插图
2 something that makes sth else slow down or stop 缓和;抑制: The Government must try to put a brake on inflation. 政府必须设法抑制通货膨胀。
/breɪk ||; brek/verb [I] to make a vehicle go slower or stop by using the brakes 剎车: If the driver hadn't braked in time, the car would have hit me. 要不是司机及时把车剎住,我早就给撞倒了。




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