

词汇 presentation
释义 presentation
/ˌpreznˈteɪʃn; US ˌpri:zen- ||; ˌprizɛnˈteʃən/noun
1 [C,U] the act of giving or showing sth to sb 赠送;授予;呈献;显示: The head will now make a presentation to the winners of the competition. 现在,领导将向比赛的优胜者颁奖。
2 [U] the way in which sth is shown, explained, offered, etc to people 显示、解释或提供的方式: Untidy presentation of your work may lose you marks. 作业写得杂乱无章可能会使你被扣分。
3 [C] a meeting at which sth, especially a new product or idea, or piece of work, is shown or explained to a group of people 研讨;陈述;发表: Each student has to give a short presentationon a subject of his/her choice. 每个学生都要就某个自选题目作简短的报告。
4 [C] a formal ceremony at which a prize, etc is given to sb 颁奖仪式;颁授典礼




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