

词汇 imitation
释义 imitation
/ˌɪmɪˈteɪʃn ||; ˌɪməˈteʃən/noun
1 [C] a copy of sth real 仿制品: Some artificial flowers are good imitations of real ones. 有些人造花几可乱真。 ☞ Look at genuine. 参看geuine。
2 [U] the act of copying sb/sth 模仿: Good pronunciation of a language is best learnt by imitation. 模仿是学习正确发音的最佳方法。
3 [C] the act of copying the way sb talks and behaves, especially in order to make people laugh 模仿的言谈或动作(尤指为了逗人发笑): Can you do any imitationsof politicians? 你能不能模仿一下政客的样子?




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