

词汇 health
释义 *health
/helθ ||; hɛlθ/noun [U]:
1 the condition of a person's body or mind (身体或精神的)健康状况: Fresh fruit and vegetables are good for your health. 新鲜的水果和蔬菜对身体有益。in good /poor health 身体好╱不好 (figurative 比喻) the health of your marriage/finances 婚姻╱财政的良好状况
2 the state of being well and free from illness 健康: As long as you have your health, nothing else matters. 只要身体好,别的什么都不重要。
3 the work of providing medical care 保健;医疗: health and safety regulations 保健和安全条例




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