

词汇 heady
释义 heady
/hedi ||; ˈhɛdɪ/adj (headier; headiest)
1 (usually before a noun 通常用于名词前) having a strong effect on your senses; making you feel excited and hopeful 强烈作用于器官的;使兴奋的;使抱有希望的: the heady days of youth 令人陶醉的年轻时代 the heady scent of spices 香料的刺鼻气味
2 (not before a noun 不用于名词前) (of a person) excited in a way that makes you do things without worrying about the possible results ﹙人﹚冲动,冒失: She felt heady with success. 成功使她得意忘形。/def>




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