

词汇 there
释义 *there
/ðeə(r) ||; ðɛr/adv pronoun
1 used as the subject of ‘be’, ‘seem’, ‘appear’, etc to say that sth exists (作be、seem、appear等的主语,表示某事物存在): Is there a god? 神明存在吗?There's a man at the door. 门口有个男人。There wasn't much to eat. 当时没有多少东西可吃。There's somebody singing outside. 外面有人在唱歌。There seems to be a mistake here. 这里似乎出了错。
2 in, at or to that place 那里;那边;在或往那里: Could you put the table there, please? 请将桌子放在那边。I like Milan. My husband and I met there. 我喜欢米兰,我丈夫和我在那地方相识。Have you been to Bonn? We're going there next week. 你去过波恩吗?我们下星期要到那儿去。Have you looked under there? 那地方的下面你找过吗?
3 used for calling attention to sth (用于唤起注意): Oh look, there's Kate! 看,是凯特!Hello there! Can anyone hear me? 喂!有人听到我说话吗?
4 at that point (in a conversation, story, etc) (交谈、叙述等中)在那一点: Could I interrupt you there for a minute? 关于那一点,我可以插句话吗?
5 available if needed (须要的话)可提供: Her parents are always there if she needs help. 如果她需要帮助,她父母随时准备帮助她。
be there for sb to be available to help and support sb when he/she has a problem 可提供帮助及支持(如果某人遇到问题的话): Whenever I'm in trouble, my sister is always there for me. 无论我什么时候遇到麻烦,我的姐姐总是乐意帮忙。 then/there againAGAINthere and then;then and there immediately; at that time and place 立即;当时当地 there you are
1 used when you give sth to sb (用于把东西交给对方时)给你: There you are. I've bought you a newspaper. 给你,我为你买了一份报纸。
2 used when you are explaining sth to sb (作解释用): Just press the switch and there you are! 只要单击开关,就这样!




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