

词汇 misery
释义 *misery
/ˈmɪzəri ||; ˈmɪzərɪ/noun [U] [C] (plural miseries) great unhappiness or suffering 悲哀;痛苦;不幸;苦难: I couldn't bear to see him in such misery. 我真不忍心见他这副痛苦的样子。the miseries of war 战争带来的苦难 put sb out of his/her misery(informal 非正式) to stop sb worrying about sth by telling the person what he/she wants to know (告诉某人想了解的事情)使某人不再感到担心: Put me out of my misery -- did I pass or not? 快让我放心─我到底及格不及格? put sth out of its misery to kill an animal because it has an illness or injury that cannot be treated 杀死(无法治愈的生病或受伤)动物以结束其痛苦




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