

词汇 miserable
释义 *miserable
/ˈmɪzrəbl ||; ˈmɪzrəbḷ/adj
1 very unhappy 悲惨的;忧伤的: Oh dear, you look miserable. What's wrong? 啊,你看来很不开心,有什么事?
2 unpleasant; making you feel unhappy 令人不愉快的;令人难受的: What miserable weather!(= grey, cold and wet) 多糟的天气! [SYN] dismal 同义词为dismal
3 too small or of bad quality 小或少得可怜的;质量差的: I was offered a miserable salary so I didn't take the job. 那份工作的薪金少得可怜,所以我没有接受。 miserably /-əbli ||; -əblɪ/ adv I stared miserably out of the window. 我苦恼地凝望窗外。He failed miserably as an actor. 他的演员生涯一败涂地。




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