

词汇 pain
释义 *pain¹
/peɪn ||; pen/noun
1 [C,U] the unpleasant feeling that you have when a part of your body has been hurt or when you are ill 痛;疼: to be in pain 感到疼痛He screamed with pain. 他痛得尖叫起来。chest pains 胸口疼痛 ☞We use ache for a long, continuous pain and pain for sudden, short, sharp periods of pain. Therefore we usually say I've got earache/backache/toothache/a headache but He was admitted to hospital with pains in his chest.For the use of ‘a’ or ‘an’ with ache, look at the note at ache. 持久的痛叫做ache,突然间短促的剧痛叫做pain。因此通常说:I've got earache/backache/toothache/a headache.我耳痛╱背痛╱牙痛╱头痛。但要说:He was admitted to hospital with pains in his chest.他突然胸口痛而住院。有关ache跟a或an连用的问题,参看ache的注释。
2 [U] sadness that you feel because sth bad has happened 痛苦;悲痛: the pain of losing a parent 丧父╱母之痛
be a pain (in the neck)(spoken 口语) a person, thing or situation that makes you angry or annoyed 恼人、烦人的人、事物或情况
/peɪn ||; pen/verb [T] (formal 正式) to make sb feel sad or upset 使痛苦;使难过: It pains me to think how much money we've wasted. 一想到我们浪费了多少钱,我心里就很难过。




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