

词汇 pace
释义 *pace¹
/peɪs ||; pes/noun
1 [U] [sing] pace (of sth) the speed at which you walk, run, etc or at which sth happens 速度;步调;步伐: to run at a steady / gentle pace 以稳定╱不疾不徐的速度跑步I can't stand the pace of life in London. 我受不了伦敦那种生活节奏。Students are encouraged to work at their own pace (= as fast or as slowly as they like). 学生被鼓励按照自己的步调来学习。
2 [C] the distance that you move when you take one step 一步;步幅: Take two paces forward and then stop. 向前走两步然后停下来。
keep pace (with sb/sth) to move or do sth at the same speed as sb/sth else; to change as quickly as sth else is changing 与…并驾齐驱;跟得上(某人或某事物): Wages are not keeping pace with inflation. 工资增长跟不上通货膨胀。 set the pace to move or do sth at the speed that others must follow 定步调;树立榜样;带头: Pinto set the pace for the first three miles. 平托在最初的三英里跑在前面。
/peɪs ||; pes/verb [I,T] to walk up and down in the same area many times, especially because you are nervous or angry 来回踱步(尤指因为紧张或生气)




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