

词汇 escort
释义 escort¹
/ˈeskɔ:t ||; ˈɛskɔrt/noun[C]
1 [with.sop] one or more people or vehicles that go with and protect sb/sth, or that go with sb/sth as an honour 护送者;护送队;仪仗队: an armed escort 武装护送队He arrived under police escort. 他在警方护送下到达。
2 (formal 正式) a person who takes sb to a social event (社交场合中的)陪伴者
3 a person, especially a woman, who is paid to go out socially with sb 受雇充当社交场合伴侣的人(尤指女伴): an escort agency 伴侣介绍所
/esˈkɔ:t ||; ɪsˈkɔrt/verb[T]
1 to go with sb as an escort(1) 护送: The President's car was escorted by several police cars. 总统专车由几辆警车护送。
2 to take sb somewhere 陪伴(到某地): Philip escorted her to the door. 菲利普送她到门口。




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