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词汇 escape
释义 *escape¹
/ɪˈskeɪp ||; ɪˈskep/verb
1 [I] escape (from sb/sth) to manage to get away from a place where you do not want to be; to get free 逃走;逃脱: Two prisoners have escaped. 有两个囚犯逃走了。They managed to escape from the burning building. 他们成功地从燃烧着的大楼里逃出来。
2 [I,T] to manage to avoid sth dangerous or unpleasant 逃过,避开(危险或不愉快的事): The two men in the other car escaped unhurt in the accident. 另一辆汽车内的两名男子在事故中逃过大难,安然无恙。David Smith escaped injury when his car skidded off the road. 戴维˙史密斯的汽车滑出马路,他自己却逃过大难,没有受伤。 [T] to escape criticism/punishment 免遭批评 / 惩罚
3 [T] to be forgotten or not noticed by sb 被忘掉或忽略: His name escapes me. 我忘了他的名字。to escape sb's notice 未受某人注意
4 [I] (used about gases or liquids) to come or get out of a container, etc (指气体或液体)漏出,泄漏: There's gas escaping somewhere. 不知哪里在漏煤气。 escaped adj an escaped prisoner 逃犯
/ɪˈskeɪp ||; ɪˈskep/noun
1 [C,U] escape (from sth) the act of escaping (1,2) 逃脱;逃过;避免: There have been twelve escapes from the prison this year. 这监狱今年已发生十二宗越狱事件。She had a narrow / lucky escapewhen a lorry crashed into her car. 有辆卡车朝她的汽车撞过去,差点儿把她撞死。When the guard fell asleep they were able to make their escape. 他们趁恒兵睡着之际逃之夭夭。 ☞Look also at fire escape. 另参看 fire escape
2 [U] [sing] something that helps you forget your normal life 藉以逃避现实的消遣事物 · For him, listening to music is a means of escape. 对他来说,听音乐是一种消遣。 [sing] an escape from reality 逃避现实




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