

词汇 attention
释义 *attention¹
/əˈtenʃn ||; əˈtɛnʃən/noun [U]:
1 watching, listening to or thinking about sb/sth carefully 注意;留心;关注: I shouted in order to attract her attention. 我大声叫喊,希望引起她的注意。Shy people hate to be the centre of attention (= the person that everybody is watching). 腼腆的人不喜欢成为大家注意的中心。to hold sb's attention (= to keep them interested in sth) 吸引住某人
2 special care or action 护理;料理;照料: The hole in the roof needs urgent attention. 屋顶上的洞急需修补。to require medical attention 需要医疗护理
3 a position in which a soldier stands up straight and still 立正: to stand/come to attention 立正
catch sb's attention/eyeCATCH¹draw (sb's) attention to sthDRAW¹pay attentionPAY¹
/əˈtenʃn ||; əˈtɛnʃən/exclamation used for asking people to listen to sth carefully (用于促请他人留心听)各位请注意




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