

词汇 attack
释义 *attack¹
/əˈtæk ||; əˈtæk/noun
1 [C,U] (an) attack (on sb/sth) trying to hurt or defeat sb/sth by using force 攻击: The town was under attack from all sides. 这个镇四面八方都受到攻击。
2 [C,U] (an) attack (on sb/sth) an act of saying strongly that you do not like or agree with sb/sth 抨击;鞭挞: an outspoken attack on government policy 对政府政策直言不讳的抨击
3 [C] a short period when you suffer badly from a disease, medical condition, etc 病发;(疾病等的)侵袭: an attack of asthma/flu/nerves 哮喘病/感冒/神经质的发作
4 [C] the act of trying to score a point in a game of sport (体育比赛中)发动攻势,进攻
/əˈtæk ||; əˈtæk/verb
1 [I,T] to try to hurt or defeat sb/sth by using force 攻击;进攻: The child was attacked by a dog. 孩子受到狗的袭击。
2 [T] to say strongly that you do not like or agree with sb/sth 抨击: Steffi attacked Guy's right-wing political views. 斯蒂菲抨击盖伊的右派政治观点。
3 [T] to damage or harm sb/sth 伤害: a virus that attacks the nervous system 破坏神经系统的病毒
4 [I,T] to try to score a point in a game of sport (体育比赛中)发动攻势,进攻: This team attacks better than it defends. 这个队的进攻比防守出色。




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