

词汇 cheer
释义 *cheer¹
/tʃɪə(r) ||; tʃɪr/verb
1 [I,T] to shout to show that you like sth or to encourage sb who is taking part in competition, sport, etc 欢呼;喝彩: Everyone cheered the winner as he crossed the finishing line. 优胜者冲过终点线的时候人人都向他欢呼。
2 [T] to make sb happy or more hopeful 鼓舞: They were all cheered by the good news. 他们因这个好消息都欢欣鼓舞。
cheer sb on to shout in order to encourage sb in a race, competition, etc 给某人打气: As the runners started the last lap the crowd cheered them on. 当赛跑选手开始跑最后一圈的时候,群众都欢呼为他们打气。 cheer (sb/sth) up to become or to make sb happier; to make sth look more attractive (使)振作起来;(使)…增添色彩: Cheer up! Things aren't that bad. 振作起来吧!事情还没有那么坏呢。A few pictures would cheer this room up a bit. 挂几幅画会使这房间增添一点生气。
/tʃɪə(r) ||; tʃɪr/noun [C] a loud shout to show that you like sth or to encourage sb who is taking part in a competition, sport, etc (用来打气的)欢呼声,喝彩声: The crowd gave a cheer when the president appeared. 总统露面时人群里响起了欢呼声。




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