/ˈslɒpi ||; ˈslɑpɪ/adj1 that shows lack of care, thought or effort; untidy 马虎的;草率的;不整洁的: a sloppy worker/writer/dresser 马虎的工人;草率的作家;衣着不整洁的人a sloppy piece of work 一篇缺乏条理的作品
2 (used about clothes) not tight and without much shape (指衣服)宽松的,肥大的
3 (Brit 英) (informal 非正式) showing emotions in a silly embarrassing way 庸俗伤感的: I can't stand sloppy love songs. 我不能忍受伤感滥情的情歌。 [SYN]A more formal word is sentimental. 较正式的用语为sentimental。