

词汇 glue
释义 *glue¹
/glu: ||; glu/noun [U] a thick sticky liquid that is used for joining things together 胶水;浆糊: You can make glue from flour and water. 用面粉和水做浆糊。Stick the photo in with glue. 用胶水把照片贴上。
/glu: ||; glu/verb [T] (present participle gluing)glue A (to/onto B);glue A and B (together) to join a thing or things together with glue 用胶水黏: Do you think you can glue the handle back onto the teapot? 你看这茶壶把儿黏得回去吗? glued to sth(informal 非正式) giving all your attention to sth and not wanting to leave it 紧盯着不愿离开;全神贯注;依恋: He just sits there every evening glued to the television. 每天晚上他都只管坐在那儿目不转睛地看着电视。




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