

词汇 glaze
释义 glaze¹
/gleɪz ||; glez/verb[T]
1 to fit a sheet of glass into a window, etc (给窗户等)安装玻璃 ☞ Look at double-glazing. 参看 double-glazing
2 glaze sth (with sth) to cover a pot, brick, pie, etc with a shiny transparent substance (before it is put into an oven) (把光亮、透明的物质)涂在壶、砖、馅饼等的表面(然后放进烤炉)
glaze over (used about the eyes) to show no interest or expression (指眼睛)呆滞
/gleɪz ||; glez/noun [C,U] (a substance that gives) a shiny transparent surface on a pot, brick, pie, etc (涂在壶、砖、馅饼等上面的)光亮透明的薄层;釉




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