

词汇 tape
释义 *tape¹
/teɪp ||; tep/noun
1 [U] a thin band of plastic material used for recording sound, pictures or information 磁带: I've got the whole concert on tape (= recorded). 我已将整场音乐会录在磁带上。
2 [C] a cassette which is used for recording or playing music, videos, etc 录音带;录像带;盒带: a blank tape (= a tape which is empty) 空白带to rewind a tape 倒带
3 [U] a long narrow band of plastic, etc with a sticky substance on one side that is used for sticking things together, covering electric wires, etc 胶带: sticky/adhesive tape 黏贴胶条/胶带 ☞Look at insulating tape and Sellotape. 参看insulating tapeSellotape
4 [C,U] a narrow piece of cloth that is used for tying things together or as a label (用于捆扎或作标签的)带子,布条 ☞Look at red tape. 参看red tape
5 [C] a piece of material stretched across a race track to mark where the race finishes (赛跑的)终点线
/teɪp ||; tep/verb[T]
1 to record sound, music, television programmes, etc using a cassette 用磁带录下(声音、音乐、电视节目等)
2 tape sth (up) to fasten sth by sticking or tying sth with tape¹(3) 用黏贴胶带固定;用带子捆扎




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